St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School exists to educate students and families to integrate knowledge and a traditional Catholic faith, in all matters, in order to know, love, and serve God.
The two greatest commandments oblige us to love God and love our neighbors. Therefore, the Church encourages the education of the faithful so that they can live out these commandments to their greatest potential. “For a true education aims at the formation of the human person in the pursuit of his ultimate end and of the good of the societies of which, as a man, he is a member, and in whose obligations, as an adult, he will share” (Gravissimum Educationis).
School-wide Learning Expectations (SLEs) We will promote, encourage and foster:
Active Catholics (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)
• Possesses knowledge of the basic tenets of the Faith as stated in the Apostle’s Creed.
• Lives a moral life guided by the Ten Commandments, the Six Precepts of the Church, and the Acts of Mercy.
• Prays daily, individually and with others.
• Frequents the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation.
• Reads Sacred Scripture to understand the Faith and for prayer.
Virtuous Leaders (2 Peter 1: 5 - 8)
• Practices prudence by thinking before acting.
• Practices temperance by showing self-control.
• Practices fortitude by standing up for truth and justice.
• Practices justice by showing respect to others.
• Practices charity by helping others without reward.
Engaged Learners (Proverbs 24: 3-6)
• Builds a strong foundation by striving to master the basic skills in core subjects.
• Seeks wisdom by participating in class activities and discussions.
• Offers to help others to understand how to solve problems.
• Completes work thoroughly and on time.
Dynamic Communicators (2 Timothy 2:2)
• Shares the Gospel with others.
• Speaks with respect towards others at all times.
• Speaks eloquently and clearly.
• Writes clearly and concisely with proper grammar.
• Uses technology morally to share ideas and information.
In accordance with the policies of the Roman Catholic Church of Phoenix, St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School admits Catholic and non-Catholic students of any race, color, nationality or ethnic origin to the rights and privileges, programs, and activities made available to all students.
Parents are expected to model the Catholic values taught at St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School. As members of the St. Catherine of Siena Community, parents are expected to actively participate in school functions, closely monitor their student’s academic progress, and promote their child’s spiritual growth, by attending Sunday Mass each week.
Prospective students whose families are registered in a Catholic Parish, and are actively practicing, contributing members, will be given first preference.
Age Requirements
Arizona Statutes require that students who are five (5) years of age by September 1st will be eligible for admission to Kindergarten. First Grade students are required to be six (6) years of age by September 1st to be eligible for admission.
New Students
All new, returning, and transfer students, to St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School, are on a probationary basis for the first year. These students are required to take a placement test and meet the admission requirements. Both parents and students will meet with the principal upon acceptance.
Kinder Admission and promotion requirements
The Gesell Development Assessment is used to determine eligibility for all Kindergarten students. This evaluation is performed by a trained professional and offers information related to the child’s general level of development, separate from academic and intellectual ability. This assessment will be given prior to acceptance into kindergarten.
Required Records
All students enrolling for the first time must present the following:
Official Certificate of Birth
Baptismal Certificate (if applicable)
Current Record of Immunization
Certificate of Transfer (from school last attended)
Report Cards
Standardized Test Scores (from previous school)
Registration & Book Fee
Financial Agreement
FACTS/Tuition Fees
Photo Release Form
Parish Verification Form
Withdrawal of Students
If a student is being withdrawn during the school year, the parent/guardian must provide a written notice to the school five days prior to exiting. All books and electronic devices must be returned, and financial obligations must be met before a transfer slip will be issued. Official records will be mailed directly to the new school.
K-8 Tuition
Active Catholic Tuition Rate: $5,850
In-Active Catholic Tuition Rate: $6,850
Curriculum & Technology Fee: $160
Preschool Tuition
$ 100 Registration Fee
$ 5,850 Parishioner
$ 6,350 Active Catholic (Parishioner Number & Parish need to be on file)
$7,050 In-Active Catholic or Non-Catholic
Registration Fee: A registration fee of $40 per child is payable at the time of registration. This registration fee is non-refundable.
Graduation/Retreat Fee: Each Eighth Grade students will be required to pay a $60 graduation fee. Additional mandatory retreat fees also apply. Every 7th grade parent is required to pay $20 towards the 8th grade banquet.
Script Fee: Need to earn $25 in script credit each quarter. If you choose not to participate, the fee is $150 at the end of the year.
Fundraiser Fee: Required to contribute to all sales, with a minimum of $50.
Fiesta Fundraiser Fee: Each student is required to contribute $10 and other miscellaneous items and parents are to volunteer hour a minimum of 4 hours. (Temporarily canceled for the 20-21 school year). A second fundraiser will be held in its place.)
Tuition Payments
All families are required to make tuition payments according to one of the following plans. The manner of payment must be submitted each year at the time of student registration. Options for payment are as follows:
A) Full payment: The entire amount of tuition is paid on or before July 1. A discount of 5% shall be awarded if this plan is chosen.
B) Bi-annual Payment: A discount of 2.5% shall be awarded if this plan is chosen
C) Monthly payments: Tuition is paid monthly over a 10 or 12-month period beginning in August through the FACTS Tuition Management Plan. This plan is an automated payment plan made through your checking or savings account. Those choosing this plan, will authorize their bank to make automatic, monthly payments to FACTS on either the 5th or the 20th of each month.
Tuition Assistance
Registered and active families of St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish, and any other Diocesan Catholic Parish, need to attend Mass weekly in order to receive the Active Catholic Tuition Discount. The St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School Community has Mass quarterly and it is required that each student and their family attend Masses with the school community. Students must be dressed in school uniform in order to reflect reverence for the mass
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School participates with Catholic Education Arizona (CEA) for the tuition assistance of individual students. The CEA payment is contingent upon the students’ registration in the school. Application information for CEA scholarships are available in the school office and are to be sent in to FAIR by April 15th. Applications are sent directly to FAIR who will process the application.
Other tuition assistance organizations are as follows: TOPS, IBE, Brophy Foundation, AZ School Choice Trust, AZ Scholarship Fund and Arizona Leadership Foundation. For forms and further information please contact the school office at: 602-276-2241.
There is a restricted amount of funds in the parish available for tuition assistance. Families with limited income or extraordinary financial obligations, who are not able to pay the full tuition rate, may apply for tuition assistance after applying for at least five STO’s. Contact the school office (602-276-2241) for further information. Volunteer hours will be a condition for receiving tuition assistance from the school.
Active Catholic Parish Grant
St. Catherine of Siena Parish will provide a scholarship to families registered at St. Catherine of Siena Parish. Church envelopes must be used weekly in order to receive the Catholic tuition discount. Contributions will be checked quarterly. If contributions are not being met on a regular basis, tuition will be adjusted accordingly.
Late Payments
It shall be the responsibility of each school family to keep the Principal informed of their need to make any changes in their preferred tuition payment plan, or require adjustments in the amount of tuition to be paid. Without such information, the following FACTS policy will apply when tuition payments are missed or received late.
FACTS will automatically re-attempt payment 15 days after the normal payment date. FACTS will send a letter to the responsible party prior to the re-attempt. The family will incur a bank charge and a FACTS fee for any missed payment.
If the families have failed to pay tuition, the child or children will not be readmitted to class until appropriate payments have taken place. This policy will be enforced quarterly.
Admission of Students with Tuition Delinquency
Diocesan Regulation Number 5.02, the policy on the Financial Administration of Parish Schools in Phoenix, Arizona, states:
Students will not be permitted to register at another Catholic school within the Diocese of Phoenix until financial obligations at the current or previous Catholic school within the Diocese have been met.
All families not current in their payment of tuition are subject to the following:
Once tuition payment has been returned for insufficient funds, both FACTS and St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School will send written notification. FACTS will then re-attempt 15 days after the scheduled payment date. Once the second withdrawal for tuition has failed, St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School will send a second written notification that all fees need to be brought up to date within 7 business days. If obligations are not met, the students will not be able to attend class. All financial obligations must be met prior to the end of school in order for students to be admitted on the first day of school. This policy will be enforced quarterly.
Tuition Refunds
Families withdrawing students prior to the first day of school shall be refunded the entire amount of paid tuition for that year, with the exception of the registration fee. After the first day of school, tuition refunds shall be prorated according to the number of days attended by students.
Assignment Books/Agendas
Students in grades K – 8 will use homework agendas provided by the school. The agenda will help keep students organized and serve as a communication tool between parents and teachers. It is the responsibility of the parents to check and sign their child’s agenda daily to ensure homework is being completed.
Homework Policy
The objective of homework assignments is to develop initiative, responsibility and self-direction within the student. The time necessary for doing homework will vary according to the grade level. Reading logs must be completed and signed every night, In grade K – 4th, it is counted as a homework assignment. If a child seems to be spending an excessive amount of time on homework assignments, a conference with his/her teacher(s) may be in order. Students who do not complete homework assignments will receive detention the next school day.
Late or Missing Homework Policy
Homework is due the day it is assigned by the teacher at the beginning of class. Students will receive points or percentages off their grade per day for late homework.
When a child is absent, they will be allowed one day for each day they are absent to turn in their school work unless otherwise specified by the teacher.
All students are responsible to check homework or contact teacher for classroom assignments on days they miss school.
Suggested Homework Time
The length of time a student must spend on homework each day depends on the grade level, assignment, and the needs of the student. Approximate or average times for homework:
• Lower grades (K-3): 30 minutes a day
• Middle grades (3-5): 60 minutes a day
• Junior High (6-8): 90 minutes a day
Parent Signatures
All forms that need signatures from parents will be sent home on Tuesday and must be signed and returned by Thursday. (Examples are permission slips, or any other form needing to be signed by parents)
Progress Reports
Progress Reports are issued half-way through each quarter. The reports are issued to all students. Progress reports must be signed by parent/guardian and returned immediately.
Questions regarding the work or child’s progress should be directed to the subject-teacher involved. If a student is not performing well or is turning in unsatisfactory work, the teacher may also request a conference with the parent. This may be done anytime during the school year.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled during the first quarter. Student led Parent/Teacher conferences will be held during the third quarter.
Throughout the year, an appointment for a conference can be made with teachers before or after school. From time to time, a teacher may request a conference with the parents. Teachers are not available to discuss students progress during instructional hours.
Honor Roll - Achievement Awards
Kindergarten, First and Second Grades
All Outstanding-First Honors
Outstanding and Satisfactory is Second Honors
Third –Eighth Grades
Students will have all core subjects averaged together to determine their GPA which will place them on the correct Honor Roll and no N or U’s on their report cards are allowed for students to be eligible for Honor Roll.
“First honors” 4.0 – 3.6 GPA and “Second Honors” 3.5– 3.2 GPA
Report Cards
Report cards are distributed four times each year according to the school’s calendar. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School uses the Diocesan scale for grading. End of quarter grade
Explanation of grading: Kindergarten through Second Grade.
O = Outstanding; S = Satisfactory ; I = Improving ; N = Needs Improvement; U = Unsatisfactory; BL = Below Grade Level
Explanation of grading: Third through Eighth Grade.
Averages are converted into letter grades in all major subjects for grades 3 –8.
Grade A: superior – (100-94)
A+ 99 - 100 A 96 - 98 A- 94 - 95
Grade B: very good – (93 – 85)
B+ 92 - 93 B 87 - 91 B- 85 - 86
Grade C: good - (84 – 75)
C+ 83 - 84 C 77 - 82 C- 75 - 76
Grade D: passable – (74 – 65)
D+ 73 - 74 D 67 - 72 D- 65 - 66
Grade F: not passing – 64 and below
*Student Service Plans may allow for modifications to the grading system.
Students in grades K – 8 will receive Discipline With Purpose grades as follows:
O = Outstanding; S = Satisfactory; I = Improving; N = Needs Improvement;
U = Unsatisfactory; BL = Below Grade Level
Academic Probation
Grade checks will be conducted every two weeks. If a student receives two D Letter Grades or one F Letter Grade, the student is ineligible to participate in athletics or any special school events as determined by the principal. A student who receives a D- or lower at the end of the quarter will be placed on Academic Probation. Their grades will be monitored every two weeks and at the end of the quarter. If a student is not making improvements, the student may be pulled from electives for additional assistance, expected to attend tutoring, retained, and/or may be asked to withdraw.
Testing Program St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School follows diocesan testing protocol.
The Iowa Test of Basic Skills is taken by students in 1st through 8th grades, which includes the cognitive skills component in 4th and 7th grades
Reading and Math Skills and growth will be monitored for Kinder through 8th grades using NWEA MAPS progress monitoring tool.
Comprehensive math assessments will be given at the beginning and end of the year covering required mastery for each grade level.
Religion assessments will be given at the beginning and end of the year in 2nd through 8th grades. Sixth - Eighth grade students will also take a midterm comprehensive.
Second through eighth grades using ongoing testing with Super Kids Literature Series, Go Math, and Dolch/Fry High Frequency Words.
Academic Requirements
St. Catherine of Siena School is dedicated to the academic success of all students. If a student is struggling in one or more subjects, the teachers, principal, and parents, will meet with the student to develop an individual monitoring program. This program will assist the student in meeting academic standards.
If a student receives two or more failing grades in the core subject areas, (religion, social studies, math, language arts, and science) they may not be promoted to the next grade at the end of the year, and/or may not be permitted to participate in promotional ceremonies, and/or other school sponsored events. The decision to retain a student is made by the principal in consultation with the teacher and the parents. Parents will be informed by February if there is a possibility of retention.
IEP’s & Student Service Plans
The Child Study Team evaluates students and refers them to Roosevelt School District for formal assessments in the areas requiring special servicing for: academics, speech, or behavior.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School follows the Diocese of Phoenix Calendar guidelines. This calendar is distributed early each school year. All dates are subject to change.
School Hours (Temporarily changed-Please review the Re-Entry Plan)
School Office hours are 7:00 – 2:30 Monday through Thursday and 7:00 – 12:00 on Friday. Students are not to arrive before 7:00 a.m. Students arriving between 7:00 am and 7:30 am will be charged a $2.00 fee for before school care.
• 7:30 Students enter campus and may play outside on the playground. Students are not to play in the courtyard.
• 7:43 First bell rings – Students gather outside of the classrooms in a line to prepare for Morning Prayer.
• 7:46 Tardy. Students must enter through the front office with their parents to sign in.
School begins at 7:45 a.m. The gates will be locked at 7:43 a.m. Please be understanding with teachers as they adhere to this policy.
School Dismissal (Temporarily changed-Please review the Re-Entry Plan)
School dismissal is at 2:30 p.m. for all grades on Monday through Thursday. Friday's dismissal is at 12:00 p.m. for all grades.
Parents of students in grades Preschool through First Grade are to park their cars in the Alta Vista parking lot and walk into the courtyard and pick up their children. Parents must come to the designated area to pick up students.All other students are to be picked up on St. Catherine Way.
Students not picked up after dismissal will go to Study Hall and a $3.00 an hour fee will be processed; 3- 3:30 – $1.50; 3-4:00 - $3.00; 3-4:30 - $4.50; 3-5:00 - $6:00
If you have children in multiple grades, please have the older children (4th grade and up only) pick up their younger sibling and go to the St. Catherine Way pick up.
Teachers will open doors when children are ready to be dismissed. Identification is required from any adult who is not known to school personnel and who comes to pick up a child. We reserve the right not to release a child to anyone who is not the custodial parent.
The ideals reflected in the philosophy of St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School focus on leading students to be responsible and respectful. Tardiness not only affects the tardy child, but also teachers and all other students whose education is interrupted by late arrivals.
Tardy/Truancy Policy:
Three tardies are equivalent to 1 absence.
Ten tardies in a quarter will result in student probation.
Excessive tardiness and/or violating probation, may result in summer school, probationary period, suspensions and/or withdrawal at any point throughout the year.
Regular attendance is necessary for the best learning environment. Parents must notify the school by telephone prior to 9:00 a.m. the day of their child’s absence. Students are considered excused providing there is documentation for the absence.
Students who are absent for three or more consecutive days due to an illness, must present a doctor’s form/slip to the school office in order to return to school.
Students are responsible to gather their homework and assignments and turn in any missing assignments.
Vacations during the school year are prohibited and will result in an unexcused absence.
No School Work will be sent home with a student who will be going out of town. The student may be pulled from non-core classes until all missing assignments are completed.
When a student is absent, they will be allowed one day for each day they are absent to turn in their school work. Absent students who do not turn in assignments within the allowable time frame, will have 10% off their grade each day they are late.
Excessive Absences and Tardiness
The official school calendar for the Diocese of Phoenix requires 180 days in a school year to meet the attendance requirements of the state education laws. Excessive absences, tardiness and early dismissals interfere with the school program and the students’ progress. To ensure that each child is ready to advance to the next higher grade at the end of the year, the following attendance requirements must be met:
• A student who is absent for more than eighteen days (equivalent to one month of school days) during the school year, will be required to attend a summer school sessions in math, reading, and/or writing before being promoted to the next grade. Three tardiness or early dismissals will equal one day of absence when determining the total number of absences. Exceptions or medical emergencies will be at the discretion of the principal.
A student is considered absent if they are not present in class for at least half of the academic instructional time.
A student who is absent for twelve days or more will be placed on probation.
Students are required to attend Mass on Friday at 8:15 am. Avoid making appointments during this time.
Procedure for leaving and returning to campus
Students will not be dismissed from school during school hours unless escorted off campus by a parent or guardian. Students who are dismissed early must report to the office where they will be met by their parents/guardians. Parents/guardians will sign out their child at that time. Students must be signed back into the school office upon returning from any appointments.
Parking Lot Protocol (Temporarily changed-Please review the Re-Entry Plan)
Children are not to be dropped off in front of the school unless you have business in the school office. Please drop off your children either on St. Catherine Way or in the Alta Vista parking lot. All drivers should park and drive in the proper driving direction to ensure the safety of all students. U-turns or reverses should be avoided. Do not park between the No Parking Zone signs, as this makes it difficult to see children needing to cross the street.
Dismissal Protocol (Temporarily changed-Please follow the Re-Entry Plan)
Students in grades K – 2 will be released to their parents/guardians at the classroom door. Do NOT open the classroom door. The teacher will open the door upon dismissal.
Students in grades 3-8 will be released to St. Catherine Way gate for pick up.
All students will need to be picked up by 3:10 p.m, Monday through Thursday. After 3:10 p.m, students will be signed in to Study Hall.
Friday's dismissal is at 1:00pm. At 1:10, students will be escorted to the front office.
Siblings or parents/guardians involved in extracurricular activities cannot have their siblings/children on campus unsupervised. They will be escorted to study hall to ensure proper supervision and safety of the child.
Students are not to be on the school grounds before 7:00 a.m. There is no adult supervision before 7:00 am. After 7:45 a.m., parents/guardians and visitors must report in at the school office, sign in, and wear an official school badge when on campus. You must sign and return the badge when leaving the campus. Parents/guardians must, in no way, disrupt classrooms after school has begun. Parents/guardians are asked to use the front office door only when entering and leaving campus. Students involved in extracurricular activities are under the supervision of the authorized personnel. All other students should go directly to study hall.
Modes of transportation
Skateboards, roller skates or bikes may not be ridden on campus. Students are to use the bike racks provided by the school. Bikes must be locked. The school will not take responsibility for bikes parked in the rack.
Students who walk or ride their bike will need to have a letter on file in the office giving permission for the student(s) to leave campus after school without adult supervision. Once a student leaves campus, they are not permitted to return to campus unless accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Custody and Release of Minors
No unauthorized organization, agency, or person may be allowed to visit or assume custody of any student on school premises before or after school hours unless explicitly authorized in writing by the parent or guardian. In order to cooperate with the student and family needs, the school should be informed of custody arrangements. Each custodial parent or guardian must provide the school with an official copy of the court order regarding custody status and any subsequent changes and arrangements.
Non-Custodial Parents
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School abides by the provisions of the Buckley Amendment (1975) with respect to the rights of non-custodial parents.
In the absence of a court order to the contrary, St. Catherine of Siena School will provide the non-custodial parent access to academic records and other school-related information regarding their student. If there is a court order specifying that there is to be NO information given, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide St. Catherine of Siena School with an official copy of the court order. Non-custodial parents who wish to attend parent-teacher conferences must do so at the same time as the custodial parent. Two separate conferences will not be scheduled.
All visitors to the school (parents included) must obtain permission or clearance from the school office at all times. Parents, who will be helping in the classroom or visiting a classroom, must make arrangements with the teacher or office prior to their arrival. Classes may not be interrupted at any time by anyone without obtaining permission or clearance from the office or the principal. Visitors must sign in at the office and wear a visitor badge. All volunteers must have attended a Safe Environment class. Non-school aged children may not accompany parent/guardian while volunteering or on field trips.
Safe Environment Classes
All Diocesan personnel, including volunteers, must participate in a yearly training program for a safe environment for children, youth, and vulnerable adults, as well as, training for the implementation of Diocesan Policy of Sexual Misconduct. At the conclusion of training, each individual will be asked to sign the Diocese of Phoenix Code of Conduct. This will be kept on file in the school office. All volunteer,s at any school function, must have a Code of Conduct on file. St. Catherine of Siena School offers this class each fall.
Please refer to this link to assist you with questions you may have:
To renew your Safe Environment status please visit this link and log on:
Catholic elementary schools are expected to promote order within the school and personal responsibility within the student. Rules and regulations are to be published annually in the parent/student handbook. Parents and students are expected to review, and agree to abide by the applicable rules and regulations.
Discipline is an integral part of an orderly, challenging learning environment. Discipline at St. Catherine of Siena is an integration of Catholic ideals, faith, education, consistency and hard work. The system in use at St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School is a preventative system. While discipline is vital to our school environment, it begins at home. The school is an extension of home, and we must work as a cohesive team to help students develop appropriate behavior, effective learning strategies, and reflect the goodness of God.
Student Code of Conduct
The Student will:
Respect church and the Catholic Faith
Show reverence during church traditions and activities
Be honest at all times
Be polite and show respect to one another
Use appropriate language in speech and writing
Respect the property of others and respect school personnel
Behave in a safe and orderly manner
Follow the directions of school personnel
Come prepared for learning, pay attention in class, complete academic assignments
Leave areas better than they are found; clean up after themselves
Attend tutoring or summer school if assigned
Be in complete uniform
This discipline cycle consist of four color cards; green, yellow, orange, red. Purple and blue will be used to represent positive behaviors that went above and beyond. The colors provide a visual tool that helps our students take control of their behavior, as younger students rely and better understand immediate rewards and consequences for their actions.
Parents will be informed of their child’s daily behavior through the students Weekly Log.
GREEN: All students begin each day on a green.
If the student is not making appropriate choices, the student will be given a reminder. It may be one of the following:
· Give the “eye”
· Use name
· Use proximity
** If a student demonstrates a sincere effort to change his/her behavior i.e., a student changes their card in the morning but demonstrates change the rest of the day, the student may earn back his/her green color.
YELLOW: If the student does not redirect their behavior, they will be instructed to change their card/clip to Yellow.
The teacher and student will meet for a “Power Chat”. The student and teacher will talk about what the student did, what skills they could have used, and what they plan to do next time. This will result in 3 minutes loss of recess for Grades K-1 & 5 minutes loss of recess for Grades 2-3.
ORANGE: If the student does not redirect their behavior, or new behavior issues arise, they will be instructed to change their card/clip to Orange.
Again, the teacher and student will meet for a “Power Chat” to discuss the behavior, the skills they could have used, and what they plan to do next time.
This will result in 5 minutes loss of recess for Grades K-1 and 7 minutes loss of recess for Grades 2-3. This may also result in loss of special activity for the day.
RED: If the student continues with their behavior, they will be instructed to change their card/clip to Red.
Parents will be notified and the student will be sent to the office to meet with the Principal. Any further consequences will be determined by the Principal.
No homework – including, no agenda or signature on log
Not keeping hands to self
Foul language
Being defiant or disrespectful to adults or peers
Being out of Uniform
Not using table manners. i.e., throwing/playing with food
Misuse of restroom privileges, i.e., invading privacy, splashing water, screaming, playing
Running or crawling
Disruptive (constantly talking out of turn)
Throwing or bouncing items
Loud voices in classroom and/or hallway
Chewing gum/candy
Dress code violation / untuck shirt
Improper use of learning tools
No homework results in same day lunch detention. Students must complete homework at home and return it the next day.
*Parent signature on Weekly Log is considered part of homework
If a student displays serious infractions, they will automatically by-pass all steps on the Discipline Cycle.
If the student displays physical or psychological danger; abusive in tone, gesture, or word; displaying out of control behavior.
When repeated corrections, coaching, and/or prompting do not help the child redirect their behavior.
When all possible means of interaction have been tried and no improvement is evident.
Purple and Blue Cards/Clips
A student may go above Green.
A student on green who goes above and beyond, displaying positive behaviors, could receive a Purple and/or Blue color.
Examples of behaviors.
Helping others
Excellent work
Showing kindness
Respect towards teachers/peers
Working hard
Showing progress
Class participation
Privileges for upholding St. Catherine of Siena School values and virtues include individual and class rewards.
Fun Friday in class for all students earning green or better all week long
Fun Friday may consist of playing board games or any fun activity in the classroom.
Treats for all students earning 15 or more green all month long.
St. Catherine of Siena School Demerit/ Merit System for grades 4–8.
Our goal is to produce students that uphold the values and virtues of St. Catherine of Siena School. The following system emphasizes productive student behavior in accordance to the student handbook.
Cheating or Copying
PDA (public display of affection)
Defiant or Disrespectful to Adults or Peers
Temporarily Removed from Class for Disciplinary Reasons
Cell Phone during class (will be confiscated)
Foul Language
Using Staff Facilities/Resources
Throwing or Bouncing Items
Loitering in Unsupervised Areas
Loud Voices in Hallway
Invasion of space
Parent Signature
No Homework
Not Prepared (This includes not having writing instruments or required work).
Gum Chewing
Dress Code Violation
No Agenda/ Planner
Out of Uniform
Running or Crawling
Misusing playground equipment
Visible Food or Drink Inside
Active Catholic
Virtuous Leader
Excellent Work
Helping Others
Displays Faith, Hope, Charity,
Prudence (Good Judgment)
Temperance (Self-Restraint)
Justice (Concern for Justice, Peace, Genuine Respect for People)
Fortitude (Strength of Mind)
Shows Progress
Working Hard
Being Proactive
Uses Time Productively
Contributes to Class Discussion
Consistently Hitting Goals
Engaged Learner
Resolving Conflict Appropriately
Seeks Mutual Understanding
Listening with the Intent to Understand
Shows respect consistently
Dynamic Communicator
Seeks Solutions to Problems
Consistently Punctual and Present
Using Planner Consistently
Consequences for infractions (per quarter)
Reports will be pulled twice a week
10 Demerits: 1 detention will be issued.
15 Demerits: 1 additional detentions will be issued.
20 Demerits: 2 additional detentions will be issued.
25 Demerits: School Community Service Hour during lunch, equivalent to 1 hour.
Students will receive a formal written notice providing instructions for community service hours.
Students have one week to complete 1 community service hour.
If the student does not complete the hour, they have one day of In School Suspension.
30 Demerits: 2 After School Community Service Hours (3:15-4:00pm)
The student will receive a second formal notice providing instructions for community service hours.
Students have one week to complete the new community service hours. Teachers will sign documents.
If the student does not complete the hours, they have In School Suspension for one day & may lose out on additional festivities or events.
40 Demerits: 1 Day of In School-Suspension
Administration must meet with the parent(s) or guardians to discuss defiance and explain what the student must correct.
The student may also lose out on additional festivities or events for the quarter.
**If the problem persists, additional action will be taken by school personnel.
Privileges for upholding St. Catherine of Siena School values and virtues.
Quarterly Individual Awards:
10 Merits: Student will receive a snack.
20 Merits: Student will receive 1 Homework Pass (good for one homework with the teacher’s approval).
30 Merits: (Demerits will cancel Merits out) Treasure Box, Homework Pass, & Snack.
A Disciplined Life
If a student is placed on an attendance or behavior contract, and he/she does not abide by the contract, it is upon the discretion of the pastor and/or principal to enforce a withdrawal.
Serious offenses such as theft and drug or weapons possession, may result in an automatic expulsion. Upon multiple instances of misbehavior, it is at the discretion of the pastor and/or the principal to make adjustments.
Student athletes will not be eligible to participate in games if assigned community service hours, or if a suspension is pending on a game day.
Detention refers to a disciplinary action pursuant to which the student is detained at a time and place determined by the school. Any student who does not show up for detention may receive in-school suspension.
Student Contract places the student on a probationary period in which students are expected to correct his/her misconduct. The student’s conduct will be supervised and evaluated for a specified period. Following this time, a determination will be made to determine that the student has corrected his/her misconduct.
Suspension refers to the isolation of a student from some or all school activities.
Required withdrawal refers to the dismissal of a student from the school.
The Pastor and Principal of St. Catherine of Siena may waive any and all regulations at their own discretion.
Disruptive Conduct
A student shall not engage in any conduct that is likely to disrupt or disrupts any school function, process or activity.
Depending on the severity of the offense, the student may be assigned a warning or mark on their behavior log, parents may receive a notification, the student may be removed from class, be placed on a contract, receive detention or after school community service hours. The student may go before a student panel to determine further action.
Dress and Appearance
A student’s dress and appearance shall not present health or safety problems or cause disruption of educational and religious activities. Immodest or indecent attire is not acceptable. Students are to follow the Uniform Dress Code.
Depending on the severity of the offense, the student may be assigned a warning, parents may receive a notification, the student may be removed from class, receive a misconduct mark on their behavior log, detention or after school community service hours, or summons.
Defiance of Authority; Untruthfulness
A student shall obey the reasonable orders of teachers, school officials, and other employees and shall respond to requests for information from these persons in a truthful manner.
Depending on the severity of the offense, the student may be assigned a warning or mark on their behavior log, parents may receive a notification, the student may be removed from class, may be placed on a student contract, may receive detention or after school community service hour, may lose out on participating in extracurricular activities, or In School Suspension (ISS) up to 2 days.
Ditching or Missing Class: A student shall attend classes assigned in their schedule.Notification to parent(s) and may be placed on a student contract. Depending on the severity of the offense, a student may be assigned up to 2 days of ISS.
Improper Use of Technology: Improper usage consist of the following:
Threatening or abusing any student, school employee, or any other person through electronic messages;
Using technology to gain access to obscene material;
Providing or using another person’s identification without their consent;
Entering into the school’s directories, files, or programs without authorization;
Copying software or entering off limit sites.
Depending on the severity of the offense, the student may be assigned a warning or mark on their behavior log, parents may receive a notification, the student may be removed from class, may be placed on a student contract, may receive detention or after school community service hour, may lose out on participating in extracurricular activities, or In School Suspension (ISS) up to 2 days.
Other major offenses that endanger the health and safety of others, forgery and cheating, theft, destruction of property, or repeated violations of offenses.
A student shall not engage in conduct that endangers or reasonably appears to endanger the health and safety of other students, school employees or other persons.
A student shall not attempt or use the identity signature or academic work of another person and represent it as his/her own.
A student shall not take or borrow property belonging to another person without permission.
A student shall not damage or deface school property or property belonging to any other person.
Depending on the severity of the offense, a student is subject to 3-10 days of out of school suspension or further action determined by the pastor and/or principal.
The principal investigates all complaints of harassment. Students involved in harassing behavior face detention, suspension, and/or expulsion. Engagement in online blogs such as, but not limited to, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Friendster or any social media websites, etc. may result in disciplinary actions if the content of the student’s blog or comments includes defamatory comments regarding the school, the faculty, other students or the parish.
Any offenses that may occur and are not listed will be handled at the discretion of the school administration.
Disciplinary Action
The teacher will handle minor violations. Repeated offenses will be referred to the principal for further disciplinary action. Parents will be informed of disciplinary referrals to the office and of any consequences the student may receive.
During any suspension, students will have an opportunity to work on current assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to complete and submit any assignments during suspension.
Students who are suspended may not partake in any extracurricular activities during the suspension.
The school reserves the right to respond with disciplinary action to any negative conduct, both in or out of school, which adversely affects the safety and well-being of the student in question, another student, a staff member, or the reputation of the school.
Cell Phones or other electronic devices.
Electronic devices not issued by the school should not be on campus. Electronic devices that are seen or heard during the school day will be taken away. The first offense in the school year: device is taken away in a school year with a warning mark, it will be returned to the student. If the device is taken away after the first offense, the device will be given to the principal and it will be returned only to the parent/guardian of that student. Electronic devices are not allowed during study hall hours.
Internet Activities
For the protection of our students, staff, officials, volunteers, and for reasons related to school safety and school reputation, we expect our students to demonstrate responsible social behavior and to conduct themselves as good citizens when using the Internet, whether on or off campus. If a St. Catherine of Siena student posts or displays information on the Internet, a social networking site, or app, that involves inappropriate behavior, including, but not limited to the use, possession, or distribution of drugs/alcohol, sexual behavior, harassment/hazing/bullying, illegal activities or promoting violence, the student will be subject to suspension, or possibly withdraw from the school.
All CYAA sports activities have an agreement form for parents and students to sign before they may participate in the activity. The agreement form will communicate the expectations, stipulations and requirements for continued participation in the activity.
Boys and girls in 5th grade through 8th, who have not attained age 15 by September 1, may participate in team sports. Boys may participate in flag football, basketball, and baseball. Girls may participate in volleyball, softball, and basketball.
Participating on a CYAA team is both a privilege and a responsibility and requires practice after school, as well as, acceptable grades.
Students participating in a sport are charged a fee of $35.00 per sport. Sports fees must be paid prior to receiving their uniform. If the student becomes ineligible, the fee is non-refundable. Physicals must be completed by the first practice.
Grade checks will be conducted every two weeks in 4th through 8th grades. If students are determined to be ineligible, they will receive a notice. Any student with a grade of an F or two D’s, will be ineligible for one game, and will continue to be ineligible until grades have improved. Students are responsible for tracking their own grades. Once a student is eligible again, students must inform the principal and the principal will communicate with the athletic director. The Athletic Director will then communicate directly with the coaches. Students are required to attend practices and games even when they are ineligible. The team will be in jeopardy of forfeiting the season if there are not enough eligible players.
If a student athlete is referred to the principal for a disciplinary purpose, he/she may be suspended for one or multiple games. If a student has after school detention or needs to complete community service hours, they are ineligible for games. They are allowed to attend practices after serving the detention or community service hours. If suspended, students are ineligible to play in games or even participate in practices until punishment is complete.
All students and parents/guardians must attend an organizational sports meeting at the beginning of the school year. Parents/guardians must sign a commitment form stating their child will complete the sport season in its entirety, drive to away games, and help their child remain eligible. If the parent does not attend sports meeting, the player will not be able to participate in any sports until cleared by the athletic director.
If the student athlete quits a sport after two weeks of practice, the student may not be eligible to participate in any other sports for that school year.
If a student is absent from school for any reason, they are not allowed to participate in a practice or play in a game on that day. Students must be at school a minimum of four hours in order to be eligible to play in a sporting event that afternoon or evening.
Lost or damaged uniforms are the responsibility of the players. If the uniform must be replaced, it is the responsibly or the student. Uniforms must be turned in two days after the season ends. Each sport team will also have one fundraiser to raise funds for their sport. These funds will be used to: Buy new uniforms, pay officials, purchase sports equipment, help with the sports banquet, pay for league fees, etc...
Student Council
The purpose of this organization is to promote the ideals of good citizenship, positive relationships among students, school morale, orderly direction of school activities/assemblies, and the general welfare of St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School.
The Student Council shall consist of elected officials and two representatives from each grade. The moderator is a member of the faculty.
Student Council Commissioners must maintain a “B” average in all subjects and no grade less than an “S” in the non-academic areas of work, study habits and social development, to be eligible. If they become ineligible for more than a quarter and a half, they will be removed from office.
Representatives must maintain a “ C” in all subjects and no grade less than an “S” in the non- academic areas of work and study habits and social development to be eligible. If they become ineligible for more than a quarter and a half, they will be removed from office. As in sports, the grades are assessed every two weeks.
More stringent rules apply for the Student Council because they are to be the role models for their peers. If any member of Student Council is punished for any major offense in the discipline policy, they will be removed from student council immediately.
Off Campus Activities
At St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School, we expect our students to demonstrate responsible Christian behavior, both on and off campus at all times. Students should constantly strive to be positive members of their community and to society, in accordance with the laws of the St. Catherine Code of Conduct and Catholic teachings.
While we cannot police every violation that occurs off campus, St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School will not be held legally responsible, or financially liable for the behavior of our students off campus. If a student does not adhere to the bylaws set forth by St. Catherine of Siena or the reputation of the school is jeopardized, disciplinary measures will be taken.
As with all schools, St. Catherine of Siena students are subject to all city, state, and federal laws and they shall be held accountable for any serious violation or offense. Upon receipt of a complaint alleging off campus student misconduct, the principal will review the allegations to determine the appropriate course of action and/or consequences.
Health Office
A health-aide will be on duty in the School Office from 8:00 until 3:30. The health aide renders emergency first aid to students who are injured or become ill at school. The health aide will work with students, parents, and teachers regarding health problems, and will serve as the contact between home and school on health matters.
We would like to stress that the school office is strictly for school emergencies. Please do not send a child to school to have an illness or injury diagnosed by the health aide.
In cases of injury or illness during the school day, the student will be sent to the health aide. The health aide will then determine if the child should be sent home or return to class. Parents will be notified by phone to pick up a sick or injured child.
Please keep all emergency information current by informing the School Office and notify promptly any changes in phone numbers.
Prescription medication: all prescription medication will be administered only at the written request of the child’s physician and with a permission slip signed by the parents.
• Medication must be in the original prescription bottle.
If a student needs to take medication at school, ask the pharmacist for a second, labeled bottle and send only the tablets/liquid needed to be taken at school.
Students without documentary proof of immunization will be suspended until the school receives the information. Documentary proof is written evidence that a pupil has been immunized or has laboratory evidence of immunization, which conforms to the standards of Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 15-872.
You must have an immunization record from a doctor, personal health record, or health agency record (i.e. County Health, AHCCCS) with the dates and kinds of immunization received, or have the child re-immunized.
Recall/memory of when the student received shots is not acceptable. If you do not have documentary proof of measles, mumps, and rubella, you will need to take your son/daughter for blood test immunity. Questions may be directed to Maricopa County Health Department (602-506-6900).
Emergency Card
Each family must complete an emergency card for every child enrolled in the school at the beginning of every school year. All information must be completed and kept up-to-date (chronic illnesses, address, phone number, etc.) during the school year. If you move or change phone numbers during the year, you must notify the school.
Illness During the School Day
Upon receiving a call from school to pick up a sick child, the parent should report to the school office to check in with the health aide. Sick children should be picked up promptly since the school does not have facilities to care for students who cannot attend class.
Health Office Policies and Procedures
Parents or guardians will be called and children will be sent home for the following medical problems:
A temperature of 99.6 or above, vomiting or diarrhea, signs or symptoms of a communicable disease; any medical problem or injury requiring the parents/guardians attention; complaints of severe or prolonged discomfort.
During the school year some problems may occur that can be taken care of in the health office, allowing the child to then return class. Care given in the health office includes:Cleaning and application of dressing to cuts or abrasions; ice packs and rest for bruises, contusions, sprains, etc. ; eye wash as necessary; calamine lotion for itching or bug bites; vaseline for chapped lips, etc.; lotion for dry skin; saline gargle for sore throats; rest for an upset stomach, headache, etc.
All medications are given through the school office. A medication form must be signed by the parent/guardian. Prescription medications must be in the original prescription container with directions from physician. Children are not to keep any medications with them including cough drops, Tylenol, etc.
Parents will be notified regarding any problems that the health aide deems necessary. In the absence of the health aide, including field trips, the school administrator shall designate other school personnel to administer medications to the student.
A child testing HIV positive will be allowed to attend school in an unrestricted setting if the child’s physician documents that the child’s health will allow participation in normal program activities and if health changes are updated periodically. All health records will be confidential in accordance with the law.
The enrollment of students testing HIV positive and procedures for caring for the child testing HIV positive will follow the Diocesan policies. These will be on file at the school for anyone wishing for more information.
Accident Insurance
Any student enrolled in a Diocese of Phoenix will be provided accident insurance while on school grounds when school is in session; taking part in a school sponsored and supervised activity, attending school sponsored and supervised activity, attending school sponsored and supervised religious services or instruction.
If students suffer a covered “accidental” injury, they will be eligible for benefits by completing the proper claim documentation which will be available in the school office.
Transportation Policy for Field Trips and Sport Events:
Parents providing transportation for St. Catherine of Siena sponsored events must comply with the following: Driver must have a good driving record and be fully covered by insurance according to the Diocesan form. Two adults must be present in each vehicle. Drivers/chaperones must have been trained in the Diocesan “Call to Protect”. Drivers must not be under the influence of medication or alcohol, which could affect their driving. Drivers/chaperones must supervise students riding in their cars and report misconduct. Drivers/chaperones assist the teacher or coach as much as possible, respecting that the teacher or coach is in charge of the event or trip. Drivers/chaperones are not to bring other children (siblings, relatives, or any child that is not directly associated with that trip.) Driver/chaperons must not leave the site of the event and may not make any unscheduled stops when driving to and from the event. Vehicles used for trips are to provide seat belts for all riders. Students will not be allowed to sit in a seat that is equipped with an active air bag. Minimum age for a driver is 25 years of age.
Failure to comply with the transportation policy of the school will be grounds to prohibit chaperoning future events.
All students in grades K – 8 must wear the school uniform. All new uniforms can be purchased through the school or Dennis Uniform ONLY. (Please do not make your own uniforms, if this is identified your child will be considered out of uniform).
Red, black, or white shirts should only be purchased through the school or through Dennis Uniforms. Only School or Dennis Uniform sweatshirts are allowed on campus. Socks must be white, red or black socks only.
Plain black or brown leather belts are required for students in Third through Eighth grade by both boys and girls. Belts are to be the appropriate waist size. Large buckles or decorations are prohibited, i.e. brads, glitter, studs.
School shoes are to be athletic shoes. Shoes that light up are not allowed. The shoes may be low-cut or high-tops. No zipper or slip on shoes. (Shoes must be fully laced and fastened.) Shoelaces are to be white, red, grey, or black. No sandals, boots, Heels, or dress shoes are not allowed. Tennis Shoe should be red, black, grey, and white only. Preschool and Kindergarten students must wear Velcro shoes until they can tie their own shoes. (Free Dress students must wear tennis shoes.)
Uniform must be neat and clean at all times. Shirts are to be tucked in at all times (including PE uniform). Belts and/or waistband must be visible at all times.
No makeup or fingernail polish. Makeup, hairspray, lip-gloss, and nail polish may not be brought to school.
Hair must be neat and well groomed at all times. Color of hair must be natural.
Girls are not to have elaborate hairdos or unkempt looking hairstyles. Headbands must be plain white, black, red, or the school plaid only.
Boys hair is not to extend beyond the top of the uniform collar. No stripes, tails or shaved (bald) heads. No fad haircuts (including Mohawk style). Haircuts must be done with a razor of #2 or higher.
Hair for both girls and boys must not cover their eyes.
Boys need to be clean and shaved (no facial hair).
No rings, bracelets/ankle bracelets, rubber bands, or hair ties on wrist allowed.
Girls with pierced ears may wear one pair of tiny stud-type earrings.
Ear-piercing on ear lobe only.
Boys are not permitted to wear earrings.
Necklaces or chains can only be worn with a religious medal.
Body piercing or tattoos are not acceptable for school (includes temporary tattoos).
Boy’s uniform
Black or khaki uniform shorts or slacks are permissible. Shorts or slacks may not be more than one waist size larger than normal or too tight. Cargo pants and shorts are not considered uniform pants. Boys shorts must be worn at the waistline with bottom of shorts not extending further than the knee.
Boys are to wear black uniform pants, tie, and white collared0 dress shirt with the school logo on Mass days.
Girl’s uniform
Jumper skirts are used for Grades K – 3. Grades 4–8 can wear black or khaki uniform shorts or slacks, or skirts. Shorts must be knee-length. Shorts and slacks should not be a tight fit. Girl skirt length must be hemmed between the knee to the middle of the knee cap. Tights are allowed under skirts during cold weather. Tights under skirts must have feet. Girls are to wear jumpers/skirts on Mass days, along with their uniform shirt. Black Mantillas are required for mass.
Modesty Policy
“Modesty protects the intimate center of the person. It means refusing to unveil what should remain hidden... Modesty protects the mystery of persons and their love... Modesty is decency. It inspires one’s choice of clothing. It keeps silence or reserve where there is evident risk of unhealthy curiosity. It is discreet” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #2521-2522).
Please be mindful, God is present on our campus. The Modesty Policy and Standards apply to parents and family members during all school functions, including Mass, celebration of the Sacraments and when present on campus.
The following expectations have been put into place to instill modesty in our school and community during school and parish activities and events.
To instill modesty, good grooming habits, and neatness in appearance.
To maintain a proper academic environment within the school and community
To create a sense of uniformity
Each student's dress and personal appearance should be such as not to disrupt or distract the educational environment of the school. Each student’s clothing must fit appropriately as determined by the school administration.
Women and girls clothing should not be skin tight, too revealing, too short, or hang too low. Tube tops, halter tops, or spaghetti straps are not permissible. All shorts, skirts and dresses should be knee-length. Athletic gear, such as leggings, are not appropriate while on campus. Undergarments should not be visible.
Men and boys should not have pants or shorts too baggy or skin tight. Undergarments should not be visible.
Clothing or accessories depicting drugs, alcohol, skulls, the use of offensive/obscene pictures, language, or gang attire of any kind are not permissible.
If there is doubt as to the appropriateness of some attire, it should not be worn. All dress code decisions concerning appropriateness may be determined at the discretion of the administration.
PE Uniforms
All grades will wear PE uniforms on assigned PE days. The PE uniform consists of shorts and t-shirts. In cold weather, a school sweatshirt and sweatpants may be worn. All are to be purchased through school or Dennis Uniforms, and must be purchased in the child’s appropriate size.
Sports uniforms are not to be worn on PE days; PE uniforms are to be worn on PE days only.
PE shorts and/or sweat pants are required for PE. Tights are not to be worn under the PE shorts.
The principal will make the final decision on all matters of uniform if any questions should arise.
The Diocese of Phoenix Catholic Schools and St. Catherine of Siena School are committed to the development of the whole child – spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. We are called by our baptism to exercise a committed stewardship in each of these areas. The Gospel teaches us that we are God-given vessels of the Holy Spirit; as such we must care for this sacred gift from God, our physical well-being. Because of this commitment, we have implemented a wellness policy that helps us to foster a physically healthy lifestyle for our children.
St. Catherine of Siena School is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects children’s health, well-being, and the ability to learn. The learning environment, academic potential, physical and mental growth, and lifelong health and well-being can all be attributed to developing these good health habits.
The following components are addressed within our Wellness Program:
A. Nutritional Guidelines B. Nutritional Education C. Physical Activity D. Other School-Based Activities E. Parent and Staff Involvement F. Evaluation
The faculty and staff will continue to implement the Diocesan Policy throughout the 2018-2019 school year.
New guidelines on healthy eating and healthy activities will be developed at school.
Food treats as rewards, will not be given to the student by faculty and staff during school hours.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to pack snacks that are healthy – (See birthday treat suggestions.)
When bringing a birthday treat to be shared, make sure it is a healthy treat for all students.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to make sure their child’s school lunch is a healthy lunch which means NO SODA, NO CANDY, NO HIGH FAT ITEMS, and NO HIGH SUGAR ITEMS.
Suggested Treats for Birthdays (Temporarily put on hold)
Graham crackers, pretzels, apple slices, cheese sticks, popcorn (non-sugar coated), raisins, crackers, carrot sticks, yogurt tubes, grapes, etc. (No cupcakes please)
Non-healthy treats brought to school by parents/guardians will not be allowed, and we will ask the parents to take them home.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School is accredited by the Western Catholic Educational Association and North Central Association.
Office hours
The school office is open Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 pm and Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School will send out a bi-monthly newsletter through email. It will only be sent home to those families who do not have access to the internet. The bi-monthly newsletters will be distributed on Tuesdays from the principal and school to inform the school community of upcoming events, activities, or other pertinent information.
Parish Bulletin
The Parish Bulletin will have newsworthy notices to keep the St. Catherine of Siena parishioners and friends informed on what is happening with the school. Every effort will be made to recognize the accomplishments of St. Catherine of Siena students, upcoming events, and other activities that pertain to the school. This is to broaden communication with the parish community, as well as, communication with the parents and students.
If the school must be closed for an emergency, the school will send a text message along with an email. Please listen to other forms of media for general announcement. All families must keep the school informed of current telephone numbers and email addresses.
Emergency Card
A current emergency card for each family must be on file in the school office. Please notify the school immediately of any changes during the year.
Field Trips
Classes are encouraged to take field trips of an educational nature. All students in the class are expected to participate in the field trip. However, field trips are a privilege, not a right. Parents will be asked if they would like to be chaperones on field trips.
If a bus is the mode of transportation, all students must ride on the bus both to and from the field trip location. Parents are to drive their own cars. Parents who are going on a field trip, cannot take their own children or other family members who are not directly associated with that trip.
All volunteers must be Safe Environment Trained to meet the Diocese of Phoenix standards.
The school provides its official form for a field trip. Students who fail to submit this official form will not be allowed to participate in the field trip. Telephone calls will not be accepted in lieu of the official form. Parents have the right to refuse permission for their child to participate in a field trip.
Eighth Grade Trip
Eighth grade students and parents may organize an end of the year class trip, but all liability is released from the school. Any fundraisers using St. Catherine's name must receive prior approval from the school. Although the school does not sponsor or promote the eighth grade trip, all parents and students are still held to the standards promoted by the school. Consequences may be enforced in the event of misconduct.
Transportation Policy for field Trips and Sport Events:
Parents providing transportation for St. Catherine of Siena sponsored events, must comply with the St. Catherine of Siena chaperone policy.
Failure to comply with the transportation policy of the school will be grounds to prohibit chaperoning future event.
Modesty Policy applies to students and parent/guardian volunteers on field trips
Grievance Procedure
It is natural that questions and grievance may arise during the course of a school year. All must be handled according to the following procedures:
1. Contact the teacher involved by setting up an appointment.
2. Meet with the teacher involved. If the matter is not resolved at this level, then proceed to step three.
3. If a satisfactory agreement has not been reached, contact the principal.
4. Should the matter not be resolved, the principal will inform the person making the complaint whom to contact further recourse is needed.
Failure to follow the above due process procedures will result in forfeiting the right to an appeal.
Breakfast and Lunch Program
All students will receive breakfast each morning. This is a free program provided by the Federal Lunch Program.
Students may bring their lunch or purchase a lunch. St. Catherine of Siena participates in the Federal Milk and Lunch Program. Free or reduced lunch and milk will be provided to students who are eligible.
If for some reason, the students have lunch brought to school after the start of the school day, then it is to be brought to the school office, not the classroom. It is preferred students do not bring in fast food for lunch.
Lunch tickets must be purchased one day at a time. Billing will be scheduled with the front office.
School Phones
The school phone should be used for school business. Parents calling during the school day will be directed to voicemail. Students may only use the school phone in case of emergency. They are not to use the phone to arrange last minute activities.
Birthday Parties (Temporarily put on hold)
On your child’s birthday he/she may bring small store bought treats for the entire class. Treats should be discussed with the teacher prior to the child’s birthday. Ask the teacher if there are any foods to avoid for students with food allergies or other conditions. NO party invitations may be handed out at school, unless the entire class is invited, or it is an all girl or all boy party. The teacher will distribute the invitations.
**When a student celebrates his/her birthday, the student may wear “free dress” according to the above rules of dress code.
Asbestos Statement
June, 2016
Dear Parents/ Teachers/ Employees:
This informational letter comes to you at the direction of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Agency requires all schools to inspect their buildings, and facilities, and to identify, sample, and analyze all friable and non-friable building material that may contain asbestos. Friable materials are defined as those that can be easily crumbled by hand. The Asbestos in Schools Rule and the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) regulation further requires that all parents, teachers, and employees of schools where asbestos is found be notified. This requirement will be part of an inspection and management plan that will eventually be on file at our school.
The Asbestos Office of the Diocese of Phoenix has conducted an inspection of our entire school facility. Any friable asbestos containing material that has been found to be damaged has been repaired or removed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The non-friable asbestos containing material will be maintained as it is and be re-inspected visually every six months for any physical damage until it eventually removed.
Repair and removal are done by contractors experienced and certified in this type of work. After repair or removal, an extensive survey is completed to ensure that all the school areas are safe and free of asbestos fibers.
Student Internet Use Policy
We are pleased to offer students of St. Catherine of Siena access to the internet for educational purposes, email and information searches. To gain access to the internet, all students must obtain parental permission and must sign and return the consent form to the computer lab.
Access to the internet will enable students to explore thousands of libraries, databases and bulletin boards while exchanging messages with Internet users throughout the world. Families should be warned that some material accessible via the internet might contain items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially offensive to some people. Currently the system is equipped with a filter to block inappropriate websites as much as possible.
We believe that the benefits to students from access to the internet in the form of information, resources, and opportunities for collaboration exceed any disadvantages. Ultimately, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources. To that end, St. Catherine of Siena supports and respects each family’s right to decide whether or not to apply to access.
The following board-approved guidelines will govern our use of the internet:
Students will communicate only under the direction of the teacher
Teachers will guide students toward appropriate materials
Access to the school's internet account will only be available at school during regular school hours
Students are expected to use appropriate Netiquette at school and at home. All activities deemed unacceptable, inappropriate, or illegal by St. Catherine of Siena is prohibited
Plagiarism of any electronic document is not acceptable
Students will have initial access only to teachers approved links
Information will only be gathered from the internet, not posted to the internet
The use of the internet for non-school related activities is not acceptable
Gaining unauthorized access to resources or entities is not acceptable. Use appropriate language at school and at home
Harassing, insulting or attacking others is prohibited
Damaging computers, computer systems, or networks is prohibited
Downloading or installing any commercial software, shareware, or freeware onto computers, network drives, or disks including personal CD’s is prohibited
Students will also follow all school rules and policies as stated in the student/parent handbook when using the internet access
The students are expected to exercise responsible behavior when on the internet. Violation of the above guidelines will result in losing your internet privileges. Serious violations will be reported to the principal for review and may also result in further disciplinary action which may include suspensions or required withdrawal.
Emergency Drills
A loud, continuous sound signals a fire drill. Drills are scheduled monthly to teach students the safest, quickest route to exit from the school building. Students are asked to follow these procedures during an emergency drill:
Follow teachers directions
Leave all work, line up , and do not talk while moving quickly to the nearest exit
Know the emergency exit route from each room in which the student has a class, routes are posted in each classroom.
Walk in a line until reaching the designated area without talking
Remain in line facing the school building and wait until the teacher gives the direction to return to the classroom
Volunteers/Guests must also follow the above procedures.
Crisis Plan
The school has a crisis plan in place. Crisis drills are conducted quarterly. Normally, these are “lockdown” drills, but may also involve evacuation to a safe area. In the event of a true emergency, parents will be notified. Therefore, it is very important that the office and your homeroom parent have a current phone number on file.
Each class is equipped with a crisis kit in case of a long lock down, or possible injury in the classroom. A copy of the crisis plan is on file in the school office for any parents to view.
With certain exceptions, any and all information regarding your child and/or family guidance, at St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School is kept strictly confidential. If any information regarding sexual behavior, illegal possession, use, or distribution of drugs/alcohol, becomes known, that information will be shared with the parent/guardian of the student. Under certain circumstances, we may be required, or allowed to reveal information obtained in guidance sessions, on a need to know basis, without parental consent.
Confidentiality cannot be guaranteed under the following circumstances: threats of suicide or serious physical harm to self or others, court order to release records or other information about your child’s school guidance, including test results, evaluations, attendance and progress, referral to another professional e.g., for the purpose of testing and evaluation, consultation with or supervision by another counseling professional, any behavior or situation where disclosure of information is required by applicable law( i.e. abuse, bullying, sexting, child pornography, use of illegal substance).
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School provides as study hall for those families who have students attending our school. The program is designed to compliment the philosophy of the school and support family values. We are committed to providing quality care in a loving Christian environment.
The study hall provides professional, quality care, supervision, recreation, and enrichment activities. The program is intended to foster the spiritual, emotional, social, physical, and developmental needs of our students, within a safe, secure and stable atmosphere.
All school policies apply to the study hall. Concerns may be addressed with parents if behaviors are not in accord with the school bylaws.
Schedule of Operation
Monday – Study Hall 2:45 – 5:00 pm - $3.00 per hour
Tuesday – Study Hall 2:45 – 5:00 pm - $3.00 per hour
Wednesday – Study Hall 2:45 – 5:00 pm - $3.00 per hour
Thursday – Study Hall 2:45 – 5:00 pm - $3.00 per hour
Students not picked up after dismissal will go to study hall and a $3.00 an hour fee will be charged. The charge is as follows: 3-3:30 – $1.50; 3-4:00 - $3.00; 3-4:30 - $4.50; 3-5:00 - $6:00
** Morning study hall will be $2.00 from 7:00 – 7:30 am
Study Hall billing will be done every two weeks.
Parent/Family Service Hours
All parents are required to give 4 hours of service to the school per year.
Each family is required to work a minimum of 4 hours at the Fiesta.
You may contact your child’s teacher or the school office for assistance with service hour ideas.
School fundraisers
LionSHARE (Scrip Helping All Reduce Expenses) Main fundraiser
To help with expenses and limit the amount of school fundraisers, St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School will place emphasis on our Lion’s SHARE program. Each family must purchase $100.00 in profit in SCRIP throughout the school year. Once you have met your obligation, you will then split all other profit with the SCRIP program, and then receive a deduction on your tuition in May. You may also use it to pay your child’s registration fees. Families who do not participate, or would like to opt out, will be responsible to pay $150.00.
Billing will go home quarterly, along with a report, so you can see your progress.
Parent Organizations
St. Catherine of Siena School Advisory Board
The St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School Advisory Board serves in an advisory capacity to the principal and the pastor through the principal. The advisory board does not act as a grievance committee, nor is it a governing board. The advisory board does not hire, evaluate or terminate the faculty, staff, or the administrator of the school.
Parents may be permitted or asked to attend an advisory board meeting for discussion on a specific topic or event. A person wishing to address the advisory board must get approval from the pastor or principal, prior to the meeting, explaining the reason. This will aid in determining the necessity or ability of the board to discuss the topic.
The school advisory board generally meets once a month, or as necessary, during the months school is in session.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School Home and School Association
St. Catherine of Siena Home and School Association is an organization whose function is to build mutual understanding between families and the school through parent education, spiritual gatherings, communication, creative leadership, social events, and fundraising projects for the school.
All parents are part of the home and school association and are expected to participate and to be involved with their family!
(Subject to revision)
Rights of the school, pastor or the principal to amend the handbook
The school, Pastor or the Principal retain the right to amend the handbook for just cause and parents will be given prompt notification when changes are made.
In signing the PARENTS/GUARDIANS AND STUDENTS AGREEMENT form, the parents/guardians and students agree to abide by the rules, regulations and policies of St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School as set forth in this handbook.
The pastor and the principal retain the right to amend this handbook for just cause. Changes will be updated on the schools webpage.
As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Internet Terms, Conditions and Regulations of the Acceptable Use Policy. I understand that this access is designated for educational purposes. However, I also recognize it is impossible for the Diocese of Phoenix Catholic Schools Office to restrict access to all controversial materials and I will not hold them responsible for materials acquired on the network. Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision if and when my child’s use is not in a school setting. I hereby give permission to issue an email account for my child and certify that information on this form is correct.
Your child will receive an email account as well as access to other online testing and resource platforms and needs your permission to do so. With this educational opportunity also comes responsibility. It is important that you and your child read the enclosed Policies and discuss it together. When your child is given an account and password to use on the computer, it is extremely important that the rules be followed. Failure to follow the rule will result in the loss of the privilege to use this educational tool.
Remember that you are legally responsible for your child’s actions. Please stress to your child the importance of using only his or her own account and password, and the importance of keeping it a secret from other students. Under NO circumstances should your child let anyone else use his or her account and password!
Although we have established acceptable use policies, please be aware that there may be unacceptable material or communications on the Internet that your child can access. We cannot control material available on other computer systems. After you have read and discussed this with your child, and if you agree to allow your child to have access to these accounts, please sign the authorization form and return it to your school.