St. Catherine of Siena Re-Entry Plan
2 Options: Face-to-Face or Distanced Learning
School will resume August 12 with Distanced Learning for Grades K-8.
Face-to-Face Instruction will be available beginning August 31th.
In order to accommodate all families, there are two options to choose from after August 30th: Fact to Face Instruction or Distanced Learning Model. If you wish to continue with distanced learning, you may do so with prior approval from the Principal. Students who opt for Distanced Learning will receive limited instruction in special classes, however, they will receive instruction in English, Math, Social Studies, Science, and Religion. Please understand both formats offer unique advantages, which can be difficult to replicate in the other. As we begin Distanced Learning, teachers will be on campus during regular school hours to assist students throughout the day. If Distanced Learning will cause a hardship and accommodations need to be made, please contact Principal Ramirez.
In order to accommodate two modes of teaching, the school day will dismiss earlier for grades K-8. This will also provide additional time to disinfect the environment properly.
Beginning August 5th, teachers will contact parents to schedule one on one appointments with students and parents, as well as to pick up their device and books. These conferences will be scheduled for August 7-11. You will also become familiar with the teacher expectations, student schedules, and procedures.
Easing Into Face to Face Instruction
If you choose the Face to Face Instruction Model, students will begin transitioning onto campus August 31st. Everyone will NOT begin on the same day! Teachers will need to reinforce the new safety procedures with students and parents. This will also provide time for reflection and adjustments to the procedures prior to everyone being on campus. Students will continue permanently after their first day.
Students will transition back to campus on the following days.
· AUGUST 31: K & 1
· SEPTEMBER 1: 7 & 8
· SEPTEMBER 2: 2 & 3
· SEPTEMBER 3: 4, 5,6
Health Conscience Approach
- Staggered lunch times
- Daily use of Electrostatic Sprayer
- Seating charts in the cafeteria & classrooms
- Individual supplies versus sharing supplies
- Plexiglas for classrooms
- Reduce movement of students around campus
- Carpets removed
- Sanitize desk between classes or beginning of the day
- Assigned Chromebooks/iPads
- Frequent hand washing and/or sanitation
- Study Hall in the cafeteria
- Floor Markers to indicate 6 ft. space
- Announcements over the intercom
- UV Light Wands for teachers
- Portable Air Purifiers for classrooms
- Everyone must have their own water bottle
- The mouth portion of the water fountains will not be accessible.
- Eliminate locker use
- Clean equipment/supplies in between use
- Cohort grouping to limit mixing of groups
- Student uniforms MUST be washed daily
- Students must shower DAILY
- Parent will not be permitted to congregate on campus
- Minimal celebrations
- Earlier Dismissal times
- When a child/teacher test positive for COVID-19, that specific cohort will switch to Distanced Learning for 14 Days.
Distanced Learning
Any families who choose to continue Distanced Learning will need to get prior approval from Principal Ramirez. Any students who are not maintaining Distanced Learning expectations may be in jeopardy off losing the option. A Google Form will be sent to families in order to determine what your preference will be for this upcoming school year.
Students will be expected to connect via Google Meeting every morning at 7:45 am. for attendance. Students will have a regimented schedule similar to their regular school day. The main platform teachers will use to communicate assignments will be through Google Classroom for grades 2-8. Grades 5-8 will have two Google Classroom Platforms, please be sure to check both. Religion and PE assignments will be issued through the student’s homeroom teacher. Teachers will also email the weekly plan to parents in order to keep open lines of communication. It will be the responsibility of the parent to ensure all assignments are completed and students stay on track.
Students will also need to have their books, therefore, teachers will reach out to schedule appointments for August 7, 10 or 11. Fees will be assigned for any lost or damaged books and devices.
Helpful Tips for Online Success
- Know your students username and password for their email
- Keep track of all usernames and passwords
- Skim through your child’s email to ensure they are staying on task and completing all assignments.
- Have a designated, communal, working space, highly visible by adults in the home.
- Sit with your child as they complete assignments.
- If you are unsure of something, reach out and ask.
- If a teacher has made attempts to reach out to you, please respond and follow up.
- Have your children attend all Google Meetings, many of your questions will be answered there.
- Establish a routine and be organized.
- Turn in work on time.
- Use pencil and paper to work through problems prior to submitting work.
- Take notes in a notebook.
- Have an adult check the work prior to submitting, but do not fix their errors. You may guide your child without doing the work for them.
- Help your child grow and learn from their mistakes.
Technology Devices & Books
If Distanced Learning is the best option for your family, your children will receive books and a device. All items will need to be turned in at the completion of Distanced Learning. Any damages or lost items will be billed to your account.
Distanced Learning Grading
Any students not completing their online work will be in jeopardy of losing the option for Distanced Learning, may be retained for a year, or placed on an academic contract.
Online Attendance
Students who opt for Distanced Learning will need to be logged into their Google meeting no later than 7:50am for attendance. Parents will need to email teachers if their child was tardy, otherwise they will be marked as absent. Any students absent or tardy more than 10 days will be in jeopardy of having their option for Distanced Learning revoked.
Morning Drop Off: Drive Through Model
No parking will be allowed in the Alta Vista parking lot!
Enter through 7th Street, not Central!
At all locations, students will be greeted by a teacher who will conduct temperature checks and masks checks. Students will go directly to their classroom. Parents will not have access to the classrooms. If you need access to the front office, please drop off your children first.
Kinder: Drive through the Alta Vista Parking lot unless your child is having a difficult morning, otherwise you may park on St. Catherine’s Ave and enter through the cafeteria after dropping off your other children. Please only have 1 adult with a mask walk the student and do not linger on campus.
Grade 1-3: Parents will drive through the Alta Vista parking lot
Grades 4-8: Students will continue to enter through St. Catherine Ave.
After School Pick Up: Drive Through Model
Every family will receive a car decal with their last name, grade(s), and pick up location. Please display the decal during pick up in order to keep the flow of traffic moving. Please communicate the new model with family members or baby-sitters who are picking up the student(s). Anyone picking up on the Alta Vista parking lot should only enter from 7th St. NOT CENTRAL. Please be courteous and understanding to one another and the system in place.
K-1: If your child does not have other siblings on campus, please pick up your child at 2:15 to prevent too much congestion during dismissal. If they have siblings on campus, dismissal will be at 2:30. Parents will drive through the Alta Vista parking lot, and remain in their vehicles. The teacher on duty will communicate with the homeroom teacher to release the student(s) to the gate and the students will walk to their parents vehicle.
Grades 2-3: Parents will drive through the Alta Vista parking lot at 2:30, and remain in their vehicles. The teacher on duty will communicate with the homeroom teacher to release the student(s) to the gate and the students will walk to their parents vehicle. Parking is Prohibited!
Grades 4-8: Students will line up on the field with their homeroom teacher and be dismissed upon parent arrival. If you do not wish for your child to cross the street, enter through St. Anne in order to follow the flow of traffic. No U-turns or driving on the wrong side traffic!
K-8 Drop Off Times
Gates will open at 7:25 and close at 7:50. School begins at 7:45, however, for precaution reasons, tardy students should enter through the side gates. DO NOT USE THE FRONT OFFICE as a drop off location. Prevent tardiness to limit disruptions.
K-8 Dismissal Time
Grades K-1: 2:15 pm (only if they don’t have siblings on campus, otherwise 2:30)
Grades 2-8 2:30 p.m.
Friday 12:00 p.m.
K-8 students will be dismissed earlier this year to provide ample time for teachers to plan for two modes of instruction and to allow proper time to disinfect the environment. In order to prevent too much congestion during pick up, K-1 students who don’t have siblings will dismiss at 2:15. If K-1 students have siblings on campus, pick up at 2:30pm. Please refrain from picking up students early to prevent classroom disruptions.
All absences need to be called in with a description of your child’s symptoms. The school will report any suspected or confirmed communicable disease’s to the Maricopa Department of Public Health.
For the safety of our students, Fr. Alonso Saenz recommends we wait until October before students attend Mass. Teachers will supplement Mass with other activities in order to provide opportunities for students to experience Christ’s love and mercy. We will continue to work closely with our Pastor moving forward.
Students will continue to prepare for their Sacraments, however the parental involvement portion may look different. We will provide updates as they become available.
- The Religion teacher for grades 4 –8 will go into the respective classroom.
- Students will need to keep up with their own supplies as they will not share any items.
- Teachers will wear a face masks while working with students.
- Student in and out procedures include hand sanitizing.
- Atrium classroom & PE supplies will be disinfected after every class.
- Homework will always be on Google Classroom.
- Plexiglas will be available for classrooms that utilize tables versus desk.
- Individual Desk spread out
- Electrostatic sprayer will be used to disinfect the cafeteria, classrooms, and playground areas.
- Students will assist in cleaning their seating area and devices.
- Lockers will not be available to students
- Spacing will be maintained while transitioning on campus
- Outdoor learning environments utilized.
- Adapted Schedule
Grades 5 & 6 will transition from wind instruments to orchestra bells. Grade 7 will have a percussion (drums) class, while a different elective will be designated for 8th grade. These classes will be held in the students homerooms. If you choose the Distanced Learning Model, these classes may be affected.
Students will be split into smaller groups and will work outdoors, weather permitted. Students will maintain distances beyond the 6ft while indoors.
All students, parents, and staff will need to have a masks available. All students should have more than one mask in the event their masks is lost or is being washed. If possible, write the students name on all non-disposable mask. Masks should be disposed of or washed daily. Please refrain from having logos or designs on masks. The color of masks will not be restricted. Please begin shopping for mask that will fit your child comfortably, covering their nose and mouth. Teachers will develop routines and procedures in order to take mask breaks. While at PE or recess, masks may not always be required, but distance will be monitored as closely as possible. Students may also ask for individual masks breaks.
Refer to the handout for proper removal of face coverings.
Breakfast & Lunch Procedures
In order to follow CDC Guidelines, breakfast and lunch times will be staggered to reduce the number of people in one environment. Some students will have recess first, while another group of students will be eating. Students will have assigned seats with markers indicating 6ft marks. Teachers will establish routines that will allow students to properly wash their hands prior to and after eating. The cafeteria staff will adapt by giving students their beverage, napkin, and utensils. There will not be a share table for students to grab additional items. All napkins and utensils will be given to students versus the students grabbing their own items. As groups transition in and out, tables will be cleaned with appropriate cleaning supplies. The cafeteria floor will be marked to ensure distancing measures are taken. The cafeteria will be disinfected daily with the electrostatic sprayer.
Before transitioning to recess, students will use the hand sanitizer in their classroom or cafeteria. There will be a limited number of students outside at a time and they will have designated areas of play. Students will be prohibited from interacting with other students outside their grade level. Students will also use a rope to help them maintain their distance from one another while they are transitioning from one location to another. The use of the playground, swings, and some athletic equipment will not be available. Students should have their own water bottle as they will not have access to the mouth portion of the water fountain.
Before & After School Study Hall
Study Hall will be held in the cafeteria from 2:45 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. to accommodate the 6ft protocol. Any students needing before school care will wait in the cafeteria. Please only use these resources if absolutely necessary! In order to determine need, we will send out a form for you to register your children.
Sports & PE
All sports have been postponed until further notice. If you choose to continue Distanced Learning, you will receive a PE lesson once a week from your homeroom teacher through Google Classroom. Pass/Fail grades will be issued for PE.
Tutoring/Title I Services
Title I services will continue for students that require additional assistance. After school tutoring will be held Mondays and Tuesdays beginning mid or late September.
Lunch Application
We are hoping to continue to provide a grab and go lunch to students during Distanced Learning. This will be determined by the Arizona Department of Education. More information to follow.
In order to continue to keep cost down, please fill out the lunch application regardless of the instruction option you choose for the year. This information is key for Grants and Title services.
Preschool will only have the option of Face-to-Face instruction beginning August 17th.
Preschool Drop Off Procedures
Park on Central Ave between 2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. You will enter through the cafeteria and will be greeted by a teacher who will have the sign out book and conduct temperature and mask checks. You will then proceed to the courtyard where your child will be dismissed to you. Please prevent touching all doors with your bare hands and do not go directly to the classrooms! Do not linger in the courtyard and maintain social distancing as you wait for your child. If you have children in multiple grades, they will also be sent into the courtyard for dismissal upon your arrival. Please do not go directly to the classroom doors!
Preschool will continue to dismiss at 3:00 p.m. to accommodate working parents. After care is not available for Preschool students. They must be picked up no later than 3:10.
Preschool Pick Up Procedures
Park on Central Ave between 2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. You will enter through the cafeteria and will be greeted by a teacher who will have the sign out book and conduct temperature and mask checks. You will then proceed to the courtyard where your child will be dismissed to you. Please prevent touching all doors with your bare hands and do not go directly to the classrooms! Do not linger in the courtyard and maintain social distancing as you wait for your child. If you have children in multiple grades, they will also be sent into the courtyard for dismissal upon your arrival. Please do not go directly to the classroom doors!
Preschool will continue to dismiss at 3:00 p.m. to accommodate working parents. After care is not available for Preschool students. They must be picked up no later than 3:10.
Preschool Hours
· 7:45 a.m. -3:00 p.m. M - Th
· 7:45 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Friday
August 17-21 will be half days for preschool.
Preschool Class Size
There will be a cap of 10 students per classroom considering Distanced Learning is not an option.
Preschool Cleanliness Procedures
Students will not share items such as pencils, crayons, etc. Specific toys and classroom items will be designated for specific groups and put into a dirty bin once they are done using the items. Masks will need to be available for students. Air purifiers, UV light hand wands, and electrostatic sprayer will be used.
Our Faith
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School will continue to serve as an avenue of faith formation, in both the classroom setting as well as virtually. Community is a distinguishing characteristic of St. Catherine’s, but it will be greatly challenged as we cope with this crisis. As people of faith, we have been challenged with finding the balance between anxiousness and “Fear not.” We are committed to your children’s education, regardless of the model. As Bishop Olmsted wrote in his Apostolic Letter, the purpose of Catholic education is to encounter Christ, be Spirit-filled communities, impart a Catholic worldview through the curriculum, assist students in becoming free, and to send students out as missionary disciples to transform the culture. We will continue our mission in providing a Catholic education for your children!
Philippians 4:6-7 , “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Please note, plans are subject to change.
If you will experience hardships with finding proper supervision for your child or financial strains, please reach out to Principal Ramirez at